2012: The Year of Terrain
2012 has arrived and TBS is ready for another successful year! We’re charging ahead expecting to make 2012 a year of great progress. Some of which is…
- An overall increase in on-hand product for our current games
- An introduction of new games to our shelves (Mercs? Malifeaux? Dystopian Wars? Let us know your opinions!)
- A more robust and interactive online presence including an up-to-date Events Calendar, Photo Gallery and Message Boards (Most of this is already in place!)
- And of course, we will continue on our quest to be the #1 tabletop gaming location in the northeast!
These are great goals and let’s face it, we should strive to accomplish this level of success every year. So for 2012 we wanted to set a very specific goal. Something that will help set us apart and make us a go-to location because other stores simply can’t match us. Our answer is gaming terrain. For The Battle Standard 2012 will be “The Year of Terrain”.
How will we accomplish this? It’s already in progress. TBS has brought onboard a Terrain Manager (Jay Hyland) to keep the projects rolling. The plan is to turn out a brand new table (or complete a previously in-progress table) each month. This means you should see 12 newly completed tables of terrain this year.
Doesn’t seem like much? Consider this, these will not be just another painted, flocked flat surface. We’re looking to do themed tables, multi-level tables and even bridged tables for large scale games. The terrain quality WILL be top notch and IS going to set a standard for The Battle Standard and other game stores in the region.
What does this mean for you as a customer? It simply means we are committed to having the best tabletop wargaming tables in the CT/MA area by the end of 2012 and you are the beneficiary so we need your help. You may see new rules in place designed specifically to care for this new terrain so it lasts for many years to come. Some changes we are making that we’ll need your help with will be…
- Refrain from placing books, bags, boxes or carrying cases on top of the tables at any time (dice, templates and models only please!)
- Keep all beverages, beverage containers, food or food wrappers off the tables at all times
We understand that this is different than what you may be used to. We understand we’re asking you to conduct yourselves differently than you may have at previous venues. Please remember that change can be good and in this case we feel if we can get our customers to work with us to keep our terrain in a pristine condition we can continue to put out some of the best terrain in the northeast region.
We thank you in advance for your efforts and we hope to see you gaming on some new fantastic terrain at The Battle Standard!