Have you seen us lately?
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June is a big month for our ever-growing store. This month we’ve brought in more new product than we’ve had since we’ve opened our doors in 2010. Games Workshop, Privateer Press, Spartan Games Dystopian Wars, Battlefront Flames of War, World of Warcraft TCG, Battlefoam and our entire board game wall all saw a major increase in stock levels.
Games Workshop’s Flyers and Battalions, Warmachine Colossals and Battle Engines and hot board games like Lords of Waterdeep are flying off the shelves. Your support of our dream of the perfect gaming location is paying off and for your efforts we’d like to publicly say “thank you!”
So in conclusion, thanks for 2 years of support through your purchases, tournament participation and positive promotion to friends and family. We continue to state we could not do this without the dedication and support of the gamers that form up The Battle Standard community. From the local Connecticut crowd to those people driving from NY, NJ, MA, RI and farther (PA, ME, MD?!?! Yup, that’s right)…
*round of applause*
– The TBS Staff (Tommy, Drew, Jared and new-to-the-crew Sean!)