Dystopian Wars Arrives!

ew this week to The Battle Standard is Spartan Games title Dystopian Wars. Dystopian Wars is set in an alternate timeline in 1870. In this world, technological advances have occurred over a century before they would in our timeline, which has had dire consequences for the conduct of warfare on this particular world.
“Imagine a world similar to our own, but subtly different. Now imagine the year is 1870 and the Industrial Revolutionoccurred decades earlier than in our own world. Technology is far advanced, and in many cases, unrecognisable, which has led to the development of fantastic naval vessels, hulking land ships and terror from the skies in the form of airships and war balloons.
Dystopian Wars is set in a Steampunk Victorian world and is designed to ensure a fun game with a large selection of high quality models in a couple of hours. The rules support Naval, Aerial and Land models from the outset, so that you can set up battles and scenarios in any combat setting. Spartan Games will supply highly detailed, high quality resin and metal miniatures with which you can roam the high seas, scour the smog filled skies of Dystopian Wars for enemy flying ships, or doggedly defend the cities and countryside of your home nation.” – Spartan Games
In this tabletop miniatures game focus is placed on vehicle combat hence why we are dubbing it the first “fleet” game to be fully supported at TBS.
An introduction to The Great Powers…
Now Available:
- Prussian Empire
- Empire of the Blazing Sun
- Kingdom of Britannia
- Federated States of America
- Republique of France
- Covenant of Antarctica
In the future:
- Russian Coalition
- League of Italian States
- Ottoman Empire
Source Credit to: Spartan Games, Wikipedia