It’s ALIVE! In-Person Gaming Is ALIVE!

June 3rd 2021, 11 o’clock in the morning, The Battle Standard Tabletop Game & Hobby opens it’s doors to Connecticut’s gaming community for open play for the first time in 14 months. With even parts anxiety and optimism the staff waits. The owner paces back and forth concerned about incomplete projects. The manager prepares for the potential onslaught of excited players.
Would the masses return all at once? Would they return over time? Would the masses return….at all?
It was the moment when we were told by those scientist’s charged with making such calls, that we could finally let our guard down and socialize, despite an ongoing pandemic, that we questioned our own motives. Do we need to open for in-store play? If we do, is that the responsible choice? Do people need this outlet enough to risk remaining percentages of infection as low as that may be? We’d followed every instruction up until now and didn’t want to lose the momentum of success to the carelessness of anyone. We made the decision as a team. Then the gaming community responded with the answer to our concerns.
The pace at which people have returned to the tables has been nothing short of perfect. There has been no clamoring for table space, yet also no absence of interested parties. Players arrive daily, returned from days pre-COVID and also to see the store they’ve heard so much about from friends, the airwaves, and social media. Cautious and optimistic, like a roadside turtle poking it’s head out of it’s shell after any number vehicles rumble by. This is the answer. A very welcome slow-grow back to what is now our new normal. In-Person gaming is alive.
Right now, we host open play. For the safety of our community, we will hold off on events that may otherwise attract residents of states with differing mandates. We also felt that if anyone deserves to experience our newly renovated space first, it’s those locals that supported us in our time of need. Our immediate community. Then will come July. As early as the first of the month we will see events announced with leagues and tournaments. Events or all the games we love and those new games we’re just now getting the chance to experience in a public setting. Our in-store community is again…beginning to thrive.
Join us on any of our open play GAME DAYS by seeing what fits your schedule on our Online Calendar. Thanks for all your support!