Leaping into March
Hello TBS Fans! It has been a great 2012 thus far and with 1 day left to February (leap year!) we thought we’d break it down for you and then provide some insight as to what to expect before the end of the 1st quarter.
“MORE TABLES PLEASE!” We’ve heard the call for more tables and we’re answering! In an effort to squeeze in more open gaming and make additional room for tournaments and events, we’ve made some floor changes. The original table configuration was our three 7′ tables (tables with the 1′ open table edge) in a line at the center of the room and the four 6′ tables dispersed throughout the space. This worked for a while but anyone that’s been to the store during primetime knows our fanbase is growing fast and those tables are filling up!
The new configuration has put the four 6′ tables in the center of the room and the three 7′ tables at the WWII wall. What this has done is given us more space in our steampunk themed section of the store. This new found space will be used for an 8′ foot table. Why 8′ you ask? Let’s do the math together! We currently have a 4′ table in that area with an open edge. An 8′ foot table with an open edge gives us a seamless 12′ of game table. That amount of table space is not only GREAT for large scale wargaming (Apocolypse anyone?) but, 12′ of table can be divided up nicely into three 4′ Warmachine/Hordes tables OR two 6′ Games Workshop or Flames of War tables. Then there’s the potential for six MERCS tables…but more on MERCS later. 😉
We’ve made a few theme additions as well. At the front of the store you’ll find our “wargaming miniature incubators” are complete! We’ve also done some further painting and decorating on the steampunk wall adding a water bucket, an alchemist’s shelf (later today) and a birdcage (soon). Our hopes are to have a mascot in there soon but mechanical birds are so hard to come by. Where are the gods of Olympus when you need them?
The Khador Abandoned Rail Depot table (4’x4′) is juuuuuust about done. Some minor electrical work and a bit of paint and then a matte coat to seal and protect it and we’re underway! The materials for the Imperial Alloy Recycling Facility has been purchased and we expect this table to be complete very soon.
Trees, trees, trees!!! Our new Bachmann SceneScapes trees are almost completely modified to size and ready for use. Our terrain tables will certainly be improved with the addition of this dramatic scenery change. To support the addition of all these trees and to better organize our terrain, we plan to introduce brand new terrain shelves on the back wall of the store. More on this in the 2012: The Year of Terrain Update #2 coming soon…
So there you have it! A brief glimpse at where we’re headed over the next 4 weeks and a few notes on the first leg of our journey into 2012. As always we thank everyone for the support and remind you that no matter where you play your games, remember to support your local game stores by making purchases and participating in events. When they do well, the games go on!