The Battle Standard LLC Official Response to COVID-19

The Battle Standard LLC, like our fellow friendly local gaming stores and small businesses in CT, is looking to best work with the circumstances presented by this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Our highest priority being the health and safety of our customers and Sales & Hobby Specialists.
With the guidance of local government we have determined it is best to close off our extended-visit amenities. This includes our Card Tables, RPG table, & Miniature Gaming Tables.
We will continue to be open for sales and services until further notice. As such, we are increasing the cleaning of cashier counters, the store bathroom, the retail shelving, and display cases. Hand sanitizer is available at both registers and anti-bacterial soap is available in the restroom.
In addition, we have made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel or postpone all of our scheduled events until further notice. Some of which are specifically listed below:
- Garrison 21 (Postponed, Date TBD)
- My Apocalyptic Playground Airbrushing 101 Class (Postponed, Date TBD)
- Warhammer 40K ITC Tournament (Postponed, Date TBD)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar Path to Glory League (Postponed, Date TBD)
- Warhammer 40K Kill Team Map Campaign (Postponed, Date TBD)
- Warmachine Journeyman League (To be continued…)
- ALL The March Living Campaign sessions until further notice (Cancelled)
We will resume these events and more as soon as it is proclaimed safe to do so by our Governor. In the meantime, we’d ask you to join us on Facebook (TBSNETGG) and Discord (invite) to discuss your projects and keep in touch with friends in the community.
Last but certainly not least, we have created a small token of appreciation to share with those folks willing to spend $20 or more at ANY of New England’s Friendly Local Gaming Stores (FLGS). Simply make a purchase, or provide a proof of purchase, and you will receive this acrylic ID tag. The idea is for you to be able to publicly display your commitment to keep our small businesses running during this difficult time. This ID tag makes you an official member of the TBS 4 FLGS COVID-19 Community Support Team. Again, proof of purchase from YOUR local store is just as good as a purchase with us. It’s about the industry, the community, and the small businesses that do exactly what we do…for you.
Thank you for being a TBS customer. From our table to yours, Happy, Healthy Gaming!
– Jared Brodeur, Owner | Operator, The Battle Standard LLC