Wage Giant Battles at Our Miniature Games Store

Are you ready to dive into the immersive three dimensional world of miniature games? Our miniature games store has daily gaming events and all of the supplies you’ll need to build your hobby arsenal.
A miniature game is a type of tabletop game that sets itself apart by combining strategy with painting, building, and hobby. They also incorporate aspects of role playing games while adding miniature figures and sprawling terrains to the action.
Miniatures are figures that you can paint to match a character’s appearance from the storyline or customize your own colors and regalia.
Terrains are essentially the board in which your game takes place. These can be cityscapes, landscapes, space stations, or fortresses. Terrains are also scattered with armies, battle tanks, mech warriors, and warships.
A lot of miniature games provide an open world experience, which requires strategic thinking and allows for varied mechanics. You can even throw or wreck some terrain in Marvel’s Crisis Protocol, if the mood strikes to Hulk Smash something.
If you’re new to the miniature games store world then allow us to introduce you to Warhammer 40k. This expansive universe is filled with massive space battles, dark gods, forbidden magic, and homicidal robots to name just a few. There are family feuds and betrayal that destroy entire planets.
Combat in Warhammer is commenced in a similar fashion to other RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons. It also gives you the choice to enjoy a narrative experience or combat heavy play depending on your preference.
In the unlikely event you exhaust all of the intricacies in 40k, or you just want a change of scenery, there are plenty of expansions.
If intergalactic warfare and blood feuds sound a little intense, you can always sip some warm milk of the poppy and relax to the soothing sounds of Ice & Fire…We are kidding, of course. There is no serenity to be found in Westeros. It will require political cunning and brute force to survive this game.
You won’t, however, need to scour the countryside to find the supplies you need for your cache of characters and castles. We stock supplies from the top names in the hobby space.
Blacken the cloaks of your Night’s Watch or adorn the Dothraki with war paint. Add some grit or polish to your Psyker with paints from Citadel or texture from Vallejo.
Our miniature games store doubles as an awesome game room where you can play a variety of board games or peruse our massive selection of games, miniature or large.
We host a hobby night where you can bring your minis and models in to paint and build with friends, and to get tips or share techniques. We also engage in Warhammer 40k game days and Crisis Protocol league events.
Start filling your calendar by looking through ours! Stop by to check out our extensive selection or give us a call with any inquiries! (860) 254-5111